
Thank you for participating in the Mold Illness Questionnaire (MoldIQ) Research Initiative. The purpose of this research is to gather meaningful clinical data regarding mold-related illness, with the goal of publishing the findings in peer-reviewed medical journals. This research has the potential to inform the design of future studies looking into the effects of indoor mold exposure on humans, with a focus on developing accepted treatments.

If you take part in this study, you will be asked to:

  • Complete a symptom questionnaire
  • Submit digital copies of certain laboratory results
  • Answer questions about your living space



If you take part in this study, you will be asked to:

  • Complete a symptom questionnaire
  • Submit digital copies of certain laboratory results
  • Answer questions about your living space



The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete.

We recommend that you redact (or black out) personal identifying information, such as your name, date of birth, and address. Please retain all information related to the laboratory results, such as the date collected, normal ranges for any particular findings, and creatinine levels.

You may complete these steps at your convenience. You will have the ability to ‘Save and Continue’ your submission at any time, and return at a later date with more information, so long as the study is accepting submissions.

You do not need to have your laboratory results in hand to get started.

Please complete the symptom questionnaire on the day you COLLECT your laboratory sample.

Laboratory Results Accepted:

  • Visual contrast sensitivity (VCS) test results from SurvivingMold.com or VCSTest.com
  • Mold allergy tests from any lab, such as Quest, Labcorp, Cyrex (IgE, IgG)
  • Realtime Lab urine mycotoxin test
  • Mosaic/Great Plains urine mycotoxin test
  • US Biotek urine mycotoxin test
  • Vibrant Wellness urine mycotoxin test
  • MyMycoLab serum mycotoxin antibody test


By clicking Start, you’ve acknowledged that you are 18 years of age or older,
and have read and agree to the disclaimer below.