Frequently Ask Questions

“Am I compensated for participating?”
No. This is completely voluntary, on all sides. Dr. Nathan and I are volunteering our time. Your and/or your patient’s participation is voluntary.

There’s no compensation to participate.

“Is there any reimbursement for my cost of the labs?”
No. There is no reimbursement for any lab work you have done. Additionally, there is no discount for labs or lab results you submit. Again, this is completely voluntary.

“Can the testing be past testing, say within the past year?”
If it’s been more than a month since you collected your sample, that’s too much time passed for this phase of the study. We want to know your symptoms on the day you collect your sample.

“What’s your ideal participant?”
Our ideal participant is someone symptomatic from mold who hasn’t undergone much treatment. Why? Because we’re trying to see what symptoms various molds/mycotoxins cause. Treatment for mold works! Which means that treatment may mask the symptoms.

In the future, we may want to hear about past recoveries, but not at this time, so stay tuned.

“Is there an age requirement?”
Yes, we can only accept submissions for people 18 years or older for this phase of the study.

“What lab results are you accepting?”

We are focusing on the following labs:

  • Visual contrast sensitivity (VCS) test results from or
  • Mold allergy tests from any lab, such as Quest, Labcorp, Cyrex (IgE, IgG)
    Realtime Lab urine mycotoxin test
  • Mosaic/Great Plains urine mycotoxin test
  • US Biotek urine mycotoxin test
  • Vibrant Wellness urine mycotoxin test
  • MyMycoLab serum mycotoxin antibody test

If you want to submit other mold-related labs, please feel welcome!

“I’m not in the US. Can I still help out?
Yes! This is a global initiative. Since the study is done strictly online, as long as you have access to the internet, you can participate.

“What’s in it for me?”
PRIDE. Pride for taking action to prevent anyone else from needlessly suffering from mold-related illness.

We plan to publish our findings in peer-reviewed medical journals, and because of the support of the Change the Air Foundation, we have the funding to do so with IRB board approval. Thank you CTA!

“How does publishing help?”
Published studies that show that mycotoxins indeed negatively affect human health (unfortunately, this is heavily disputed in medicine) assist those working to change building and health policies around mold exposure. This offers greater protections to be put in place for the public, for schools, hospitals, work environments, military housing, etc.